Sutradhar is a registered charitable trust that began its work in 1995. As a resource centre committed to improving the quality of education for children, Sutradhar is particularly interested in the use of media in education. Media are interpreted in the broadest sense to include toys and games, teaching aids, stories and other arts that mediate learning.
We believe that a large variety of play material allows children to learn concepts and make connections -- the foundations of early learning. Sutradhar brings together some of the best innovations in education from across India. It promotes media that are Indian in content and form, so that learning becomes meaningful.
The centre
The heart of Sutradhar is a retail outlet and documentation cell where learning resources selected from over 100 groups are offered to parents and teachers. We assist a cross-section of visitors who drop by with different learning needs and help them make the right choice. Some of our visitors include educators working in formal, non-formal and special schools, non-profit organisations, government organisations, and parents, including parents of children with special needs. Sutradhar is also involved in the design and development of learning resources.
Spreading the word
To bring about change in the educational system is quite a challenge. But over the years we have evolved a range of projects to meet our objectives.
Our exhibitions draw in families and schools, and allow us to explain the importance of play in education. Our open forums for teachers help us exchange views ranging from arts education to government school improvement. By publishing features in local dailies, we bring educational issues to the forefront. Sutradhar organises teacher development workshops to build the capacities of teachers and field staff working in preschool and non-formal education. Sutradhar has also convened the state chapter of the FORCES ( Forum for Creche and Child Care Services) network. FORCES is a national level advocacy network committed to securing the rights the rights of the underprivileged child, 0-6 years.
We would be delighted if you could help us in any way. We are looking for volunteers who could:
If you would like to volunteer, contact us at For more information on Sutradhar, log on to
We thank Sir Dorabji Tata Trust for its support.